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Evening rituals to unwind and
disconnect from work

This training will assist you in relaxing your body and creating a calm and pleasant mind.
This is the course for you if you want to explore the power and wisdom of quiet and
relaxed time.

what is included?

What's included?

Course Lessons

Shavasana – The corpse pose

  • Practice 1: Shavasana
  • Audio: Guided relaxation to download and save in your mobile phone
  • Explanation audio relaxation file

From Movement to Stillness
We start with a short meditation, move your spine on hands and knees, then relax in a supported child pose that allows the back to relax, and we will finish the session in a reclined pose to open the chest and allow for the shoulders and belly to relax.

Calm your mind with this practice
A practice for when everything seems to go wrong. There are good days and bad days. When you are having a bad day, why not stop and reset? This is the invitation for this practice of learning to "do nothing" and enhance relaxation and creativity.

Relax your back with movement and breath
This class starts with breathing exercises, then we start synchronizing our breath with the movement while mobilizing our back in all directions. We finish the class with relaxation.

A practice for tired legs that you can do anywhere
A practice of 20 minutes, so you can do it anywhere and anytime. I start by explaining the posture, and then we hold for at least 20 minutes. The necessary time so that we shift from the sympatetic autonomous nervous system towards parasympatetic activation. This shift is fundamental for deep and nourishing sleep. You will need: + 1 low chair or puff + 1 blanket + 1 eye pillow + 1 towel or pillow

BONUS Practice: If you wish to dive deeper – Full hour practice
This is a 60 minutes of restorative yoga. You will be guided to practice 5 poses using very few props: + sofa + 2-3 blankets (or bath/beach towels if you only have fleece blankets). Remember that our goal with this practice is not stretch or strengthen. Our objective is to support the body to relax

From Movement to Stillness

We start with a short meditation, move your spine on hands and knees, then relax in a supported child pose that allows the back to relax, and we will finish the session in a reclined pose to open the chest and allow for the shoulders and belly to relax.

Calm your mind with this practice

A practice for when everything seems to go wrong. There are good days and bad days. When you are having a bad day, why not stop and reset? This is the invitation for this practice of learning to "do nothing" and enhance relaxation and creativity.

Relax your back with movement and breath

This class starts with breathing exercises, then we start synchronizing our breath with the movement while mobilizing our back in all directions. We finish the class with relaxation.

A practice for tired legs that you can do anywhere

A practice of 20 minutes, so you can do it anywhere and anytime. I start by explaining the posture, and then we hold for at least 20 minutes. The necessary time so that we shift from the sympatetic autonomous nervous system towards parasympatetic activation. This shift is fundamental for deep and nourishing sleep. You will need: + 1 low chair or puff + 1 blanket + 1 eye pillow + 1 towel or pillow

BONUS Practice: If you wish to dive deeper - Full hour practice

This is a 60 minutes of restorative yoga. You will be guided to practice 5 poses using very few props: + sofa + 2-3 blankets (or bath/beach towels if you only have fleece blankets). Remember that our goal with this practice is not stretch or strengthen. Our objective is to support the body to relax.